«RENMEDPROM» LLC is a Russian developer and manufacturer of the X-ray equipment and the healthcare software solutions. Its own scientific and technical foundation, constant investments into the production development and a staff of top-ranked specialists guarantee generation of the competitive developments of the international standard.

The main task of the company is creation of innovative products and solutions aimed at improving the quality and increasing availability of the high technology medical care. «RENMEDPROM» LLC began to produce the first models of the X-ray equipment in 2011. As of today the company turns out only digital X-ray systems, using the international standard technologies.

The digital X-ray equipment produced by our company embraces X-ray units with 2 workstations, multi-purpose X-ray systems with 3 workstations (including those with remote controlled X-ray tables), ward mobile units with the latest generation digital image receivers – full field flat-panel detectors.

All the products of the company are manufactured according to the State Standards of the Russian Federation. In order to guarantee a high level and stability of the products and services quality, our company makes the process of functioning taking into account the international quality management requirements. The quality management system based on the requirements of international ISO 13485:2003 and interstate standard ISO 13485-2011 has been successfully applied in «RENMEDPROM» LLC as regards production, maintenance and repairs of the X-ray medical diagnostic units.